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How to lose weight ?

How to lose weight easily; without hard exercise and use of medications.
  • Eat slowly;chew slowly and satisfy your brain earlier than your stomach.  It will decrease calories intake in your body. It helps to prevent weight gain.
  •  Use small sized plate. Train your brain with fewer amounts.

  • Add more protein means replace your carbohydrate with protein.  Low calories intake means weight loss

  • Be health conscious during buying foods and buy more fruits and vegetables rather that ready made and junk food items. Decorate your counter with those colorful fruits and vegetable. It means you will see them and eat them.

  • Instead of eating rice and deep fried food items. Prepare high fiber containing food items i.e. Oat which slows down your digestion process.

  • Instead of drinking carbonated drinks and high sugar containing drinks, drink water. It helps to reduce the calories intake.

  • Replace coffee and tea with hot lemon without sugar or drink coffee and tea without sugar.  Even honey could be better replacement of sugar.  Water drinking before main meals helps to reduce calories intake. 

  • Give attention on your eating rather than putting a big plate with so much food and being distracted  i.e. using computer and watching television during eating. Be conscious about what you are eating and how much you are eating. Think about the consequences of this food intake even while eating. 
  • Build your regular routine and follow it. Irregularity of daily schedule may cause imbalance in body mechanism and physiological process which results imbalance in production of enzymes and hormones. It may cause overeating sometime.

  • Cut unhealthy junks, drinks and frequencies of snacks in between the main meals i.e. between launch and supper. 
  • Decrease fast food restaurants’ visits every week as much as possible. Make your plate colorful AMAP.

  • Drink more water every day. Simple, regular and straight forward schedule and eating boiled food instead of frying in your kitchen.

  • Use to practice some kind of activities every day that makes your subconscious mind alert about your obesity, your recent goal that could be something like yoga, meditation, repetition of affirmations, breathing and calming down practice also helps you to be more serious about your dietary intake and health.

  • Think about your peers/buddies/folks: do not spend your time with someone who is really random and has no routine and eats anything i.e. junks, drinks and fast foods.

How to lose weight by doing nothing: tips:

  • Slow eating
  •  Replace fat with vegetable oil
  • High Protein Diet/ Add protein in your diet
  • Single /whole ingredient food intake: decrease junks, sugar added ones
  • No sugar with coffee and tea
  • Avoid processed foods
  • No sugar added drinks and liquid calories  
  • Replace your stocking with healthy foods, fruits, vegetables
  • Drink water to hydrate your body
  • You can take Glocommannan pills which delays stomach emptying
  • Increase eating more fruits and vegetables everyday
  • Try to calculate and find out calories intake with your every food items
  • Chose smaller plates every time
  • More fiber intake instead of processed food, fat and carbohydrate
  • Probiotics use: helps to gut healthy bacteria, improves digestion  
  • More Spices i.e. chili, peppers, jalapenos increases metabolism
  • Use low-crab diet: it limits carbohydrates
  • Cardio activities i.e. at least 30-60 minute’s heart rate increasing activities i.e. jogging, cycling every day are great.  
  • Include eggs to your diet
  • Enough rest and sleep everyday
  • Oral hygiene i.e. brush teeth after eating
  • Mindfulness of eating and lifestyle change
  • Don’t be any kind of food addict
  • Supplement proteins i.e. whey proteins
Prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, how to lose weight by doing nothing; its up to you. You can chose any of the above options that suits your situation and you like the most. Have fun (::)!
Cited Sources:
1.        Palsdottir, Hrefna , MS on August 23, 2018, 11 Proven Ways to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise ( (Cited on Dec 30, 2019)
2.       Bjarnadottir, Adda , MS, LN on June 12, 2017, 30 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally (Backed by Science), (Cited on Dec 30, 2019)
How to lose weight ? How to lose weight ? Reviewed by Health for Life on December 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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