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Flu Time

Flu time is here. Julia Ries wrote in about the flu time of 2019 that there is chance of increasing 5 million infections over this holiday time. It may pick up child and low immune people first. He further mentioned that this flu season seems like wild(1).
Flu is Contentious

In this Flu time, Center for disease control (CDC) and prevention has predicted 3.5 millions of influenza cases. According to the estimate, about 55000 hospitalization and 1800 - 4500 are death. Further more, Julia Ries suggests the ways of prevention during holidays partying. The virus is contentious and can be easily transmitted from sick people to healthier ones(1).
Flu Patient

While sneezing cover your face with tissues or sleeves. He further suggested to follow the prevention measures, such as wear a mask and wash hands frequently. The best way of prevention could be avoiding or keeping way potential risk people or susceptible family members from the sick person (1).

One of the infectious disease specialists, Dr. Veltman suggested to the patients to enjoy the parties virtually such as through face time or Skype. Flu time is virus's time. They are very productive and stronger during the cold season.Therefore, preventive measures are essential.

However CDC has predicted 40 percent chances of infection among the traveling people. As we know travelers are always pron for infections, as they meet so many people around their way. Many of them might be infected. As a continuous disease prevention is the key (1).

Some Key Symptoms and Signs of Flu attack: 

  • Fever, muscles ache, body ache, sweating and chills, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough and sneezing it really is a ridiculous sickness.
  • Flu reminds me those days when I felt running nose, nose blocking, sneezing, and coughing, fever with a headache, body-ache.
  • Sometimes it may cause bacterial infection and complications such as tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc.
  • Flu and the common cold are very common with the beginning of winter.
  • I have had several cases of flu attracts last winter even though I have my flu shot. If you've got flu please be advised that you don't need antibiotics.
  • The home readies are very useful for the flu attack. Home remedies and symptomatic treatment such as painkillers, anti-fever pills including consumption of vitamin C rich foods (2).
I am a firm believer of home remedies and symptomatic dealings rather than early use of antibiotics. Early antibacterial use causes possibilities of residencies and waste of money as well. Some of the practices as treatment that are effective during this flu time are such as drink plenty of hot water with lemon; increases vitamin C intake, stream inhalation, pain killer pills, and more liquid drinks are really helpful. 
  Study and Citation Source:
1. Ries, Julia, Flu Season 2019: Cases Top 5 Million, Infections May Increase Over the Holidays (, Published on December 20, 2019)
Flu Time Flu Time Reviewed by Health for Life on December 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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