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Why First Aid, CPR Skills?

  • Safety comes first. This term is very popular. It is very important as well. If everyone is safe and secure, there will be nicer world. However, sometime we fall in accident and needs immediate help. 
  •  First aid can save life, prevent health damage and save huge loss. If you are a good first aid trained person, you have a great roles in the society. In the emergencies we need empathetic first aid personnel who not only save lives also win love and respect.

  • Accidents, fall, burn, poisoning, industrial and work place injuries, burn, fracture, physical injuries at work places, shooting, acute sickness, frost bite, climatic injuries and conditions, animal or insect bite, drowning, any kind of suicide and other acute situations are very urgent when people need first aid and CPR help.
  • It is very nice to have fist aid and CPR skills along with certification as well as safety knowledge. Therefore almost every employers have policy of hiring people with such skills or make them skilled even after hiring. 
  • Such a first aid certification should be up to date. I don't know how did you use your first aid certification and skills. I have rarely used those skills.
KEEP SAFE ! BE SKILLED forever!!  
        Thanks (::)!

  • Why First Aid, CPR Skills? Why First Aid, CPR Skills? Reviewed by D Sharma L on September 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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