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Health Tips

Everyone wants to live a healthy life. It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle to be productive, free from disease, live a long life and be healthy. Therefore here are some health tips in short.

1. Healthy Diet

Diet is our source of energy. Diet is for survival, growth, and health as well. Therefore we need to choose the best diet for our day to day use. Fruits, vegetables including fish and some animal products are proved as healthy food. Still, there should be a balance of those food items. 

2. Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is very much important for good health. At least a healthy person needs to do 30 minutes to an hour long physical exercise every day. 

3. Control/ Minimize Suger and Saturated Fat

Sugar and saturated fat are proved as not very good food to use much. It is wise to use less amount of sugar and saturated fat as much as possible. Especially the people who are not doing any good physical exercises and over 40 years should be much attentive for this point.  

4. Good Sleep

Sleep is very important for good health. An adult needs to rest at least 8 hours in every 24 hours. It is proved that insomnia causes poor brain as well as physical functioning. Therefore, to be healthy you need enough rest and sleep. It is said that sleep as a child. Do not take any stress during sleeping time. Sleep disorders can be treated in various ways. If it is because of other reasons try to be away from it. Such as using electronic equipment i.e. computer until late at night try to stay free at least for a few hours before bedtime. If it is being severe you need to consult a doctor and may need to take medicine/pills as per your doctor's advice. Other lifestyle stuff also can help to improve your sleeping problem.  

5. Be Spiritual / Happy / Erase the stress

Spirituality related actions and Yoga, use of positive affirmations every morning and evening are some of the ways to stay spiritual. It is said that it can help to improve the right brain functioning. Therefore, it can be a way to reduce stress as well. Do not compare yourself with other people. Because you are a unique human of this universe. What you are other people are not that. Therefore try to boost your self-esteem and practice calm music, do physical exercise, stay away from negative people, listen to the interning songs watch, TV shows, videos, and movies that give you happiness, etc.    

6. Drink Plenty of Water

An adult needs to drink at least 8 liters of water every day. If you do not drink enough water you need to make a strategy on how to drink more water. May be kept water bottles with you, or manage how it suits for you.

7. Be Informed /Aware :

You need to be aware of your health state. Self-awareness is very important, especially for your health prevention. Regular research and study about healthy lifestyle and ways to be healthier are one of the ongoing processes. It is said learning is life long. It never ends. As new diseases and new technologies and innovations are coming to us. Therefore being up to date makes your life safer and healthier. 

All the best!!

Health Tips Health Tips Reviewed by Dhiraj Sharma on June 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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