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What causes high blood pressure?

If the systolic pressure is above 140 and diastolic pressure is above 90 mm of Hg, it is usually called high blood pressure. There are so many causes of high blood pressure. However there are so many reasons of high blood pressure. Usually people ask that what causes high blood pressure. Main five reasons of high blood pressure are as follows.

1.  Food Habits:
Food habits such as high salt intake in daily food, consumption of saturated fat and high carbohydrate foods.

2. Genetic and hereditary reason:
If you have a family history of hypertension in your parents' families, there is more possibility of hypertension in you and your generation as well.

3. Obesity and In-activeness:
 Over weight  and inactive lifestyle causes hypertension.

Contraceptives use, alcohol and other drug use can cause high blood pressure.

5. Diseases:
Diseases such as diabetes and heart related diseases and stress also cause hypertension.

If you had the question, what causes high blood pressure? Probably you got the answer now.
What causes high blood pressure? What causes high blood pressure? Reviewed by Dhiraj Sharma on December 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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