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Winter Health Tips

Winter health tips are useful for everyone. Health in cold season is crucial and more challenging. I am having sore throat, blocking nose, headache, tearing eyes, difficulty in good sleeping, sizing over and over, hotness of entire body. I am also having running nose sometimes. Moreover, I am getting pain above my eyes. Similarly, I feel quite a bit loss of appetite as well. How are you feeling right now? Keep warm and stay safe.    

Winter health tips are a good lessons for every one in this time of the year. Your health safety should be your key concern right now, especially because of cold and dryness and associated sicknesses. Some health problems, such as asthma, sore throat and cold sores, are triggered or worsened by cold weather. The following could be the problems affect your body deal as cold weather ailments.
Please care yourself with following ways.
  • Always check the temperature and be aware of snow and cold outdoor
  • Take care of your overall skin. Keep your skin moisturized at least two to four times every day
  • Take care of your feet (appropriate footwear)
  • Take care of your hands (mittens) 
  • Maintain the body temperature wearing warm clothes (thick paint, Jacket, and hat)
  • Take care of your hydration with hot water(drink water which will help to maintain your temperature)
  • Stay safe with flu i.e flu injection/ immunization etc.  
  • Stay warm
  • Be up to date with weather forecasts
  • Vitamin D supplement
  • Be safe with cold and cough
  • Be prepared with your vehicle, its tires, heating system etc.
  • Make sure that the road and way to walk is not slippery, drive safe if the road is slippery ( loose a minute, not a life)  
  • Be updated as well as conscious with your heating system, and hot water tank, furnish and heating system of the house on time 
  • Give attention to your children and family members etc.
  • Try some winter spots or physical activities everyday
  • Eat healthy
Winter health tips such as choosing the skin moisturizing products might be difficult for some people. It is economic to use petroleum jelly or mineral oil on the skin. It is good to apply on your body immediately after bath. Exercising strengthens bones, muscles and joints, builds up immunity and protect body from illness. Winter sports like ice skating, skiing are great. However, it might not possible for everyone. You can plan your own physical activity or exercise such as Jog, walking which also helps you to feel warm. Hot drinks such as hot chocolate are great for warming up and hydrate your body. Other great foods are oatmeal, warm skim milk, clear chicken soup, coffee, hot lemon etc.  
As we know winter is a worse season for health because of cold and dryness. The are the common winter sickness.
Health Problems in Winter season:

  • Sore Throat
  • Asthma
  • Norovirus
  • Joints' Pain
  •  Cold Sores
  • Heart Attacks
  • Cold Hands and Dry Skin
  • Flu 
Health in winter season is a great concern for everyone. Health tips mentioned above are relatively safe for almost all people. However it is advisable to check with your doctor before trying out some of them. Moreover, these winter health tips can reduce the possibility of falling ill.  
Most people have the tendency to reach out for hot chocolate, coffee, tea or other such beverages, in an attempt to keep warm. In addition to all other beverages, it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water in the day, which will flush out the toxins from your body and will reduce the possibility of illness. This will also keep your body hydrated and will moisturize your skin naturally.

Fortunately, winter need not be an unpleasant time for all of us. It is quite possible to make winter a wonderful time, filled with fun and joy, just by following certain tips of winter health care. Given below are some of the most common winter health care tips that are recommended by several health experts: 

Health prevention in winter season is still a big challenge because of dryness and cold. Many people look forward to the winter season eagerly because of the fun winter activities that can not be engaged in rest of the seasons. Unfortunately, there are probably just as many people who dread the approach of winter because they consider this season to be filled with illnesses and ailments such as cold and cough, fever, itchy skin, frost bite etc. 

Winter health tips are greatly important. As we know, winter is also the season which carries more health problems and sickness because of cold and dryness. Winter health tips: winter season is one of the worst time of the year when you should be extra careful for health and safety.
Studies indicate that almost everyone suffers from cough and cold at least once. Moreover, snow and ice may cause injury. Most of us tend to eat more and exercise less during the winter season. It can lead to new health problems or increase preexisting one such as obesity, high cholesterol and blood pressure, diabetes and so on.
Have Winter Fun! 


Winter Health Tips Winter Health Tips Reviewed by D Sharma L on April 27, 2019 Rating: 5
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