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Health Information Technology

  • There could be something possible to use for health management is information technology. It works as a mean of improving people's health. Today, the health situation and lives are  better than it was yesterday. There could be many opportunities to integrate health  technology and information technology.
  • Maternal mortality, child mortality, malnutrition, family planning initiatives, high incidence, and disease prevalence can be monitored or delivered more or less even through the mobile phones, and other means of information technologies. More and more people are accessing this innovations of information technology for health day by day.
  • Health is Wealth. Health could be a good state of physical, mental, social, economic, emotional, spiritual and ecological. As a whole, it can be defined as the holistic well-being of the organism/individual/ organization.
  • Information:

Information is power and technology is a means of getting things done.
  • Health and Information Technology (HIT):

Health means physical, mental, emotional, economic, spiritual and social well-being of an individual, and as a whole society. IT can contribute toward improving the health of the people. Therefore, it can be a mean toward achieving better health and holistic health of the people.

Health Information Technology Health Information Technology     Reviewed by D Sharma L on April 21, 2019 Rating: 5
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