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HIV Awereness Gap

  • When I see the heading of Kenyan Celebrities living with HIV in a news source, I felt that it is still late to aware people about HIV/AIDS. We need to talk openly on HIV/AIDS. 
  • I have completed a study on HIV/ AIDS  in 2007 in Nepal. It shows  the awareness level and behavior of the respondents. 
  • You can question the awareness and behavior of the high-risk groups known as sex workers and transport workers in Nepal. 
  • Awareness is always related to possible potential behaviors and sexual practices which definitely relates to HIV/AIDS knowingly/ unknowingly. 
  • Even still  celebrates are victimized by one of the preventable problems of our time. What about the general public? 
  • There is a huge gap to fill up through awareness campaigns and educational means. Therefore, it is still not late to invest in awareness. 
Kenyan Celebrities living with HIV are only the examples.
Please go through the below link which has the detail report on it at Nepal Health Research Council's digital library. 
HIV Awereness Gap HIV Awereness Gap Reviewed by D Sharma L on April 27, 2019 Rating: 5
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